Current Environmental Reviews

Final Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update

The Final Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update and associated documents are now available:

Letters of Comment and Responses
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Draft General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report

The Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and the associated draft General Plan Elements are now available.

The Draft PEIR will be available for public review and comment for 45 days beginning March 15, 2024, and concluding at 5 p.m. Monday, April 29, 2024.

If you wish to submit comments on the Draft PEIR, please submit your written comments (including a name and contact information) during the comment period, via mail or email to the following addresses: 

City of Irvine Community Development 
Department, Attn: General Plan Update 
P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, CA 92623-9575 

Email: or Click here

Beyond the Draft PEIR comment period, public comments unrelated to the Draft PEIR are also welcome. 

Draft General Plan Update Elements:

Table of Contents
Circulation Element
Conservation and Open Space Element
Environmental Protection Climate and Action Element
Noise Element
Land Use Element
Safety Element

Draft Program Environmental Impact Report:

Notice of Availability
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction 
2.0 Environmental Setting
3.0 Project Description
4.0 Environmental Analysis
4.1 Aesthetics
4.2 Air Quality
4.3 Biological Resources
4.4 Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources
4.5 Geology/Soils
4.6 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
4.7 Hazards & Hazardous Materials
4.8 Hydrology/Water Quality
4.9 Land Use/Planning
4.10 Noise
4.11 Population/Housing
4.12 Public Services and Recreation
4.13 Transportation
4.14 Utilities/Service Systems
4.15 Wildfire
5.0 CEQA Mandated Analysis
6.0 Effects Found Not to be Significant 
7.0 Project Alternatives
8.0 References
9.0 List of Preparers

City of Irvine CEQA Manual

Below are links to environmental documents prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), available for public review for projects currently in process. Links are also provided below for documentation of additional selected current projects of interest.

CEQA is a state statutory scheme that requires public agencies to study and identify potentially significant environmental impacts of proposed projects and avoid or reduce those impacts to a level of insignificance, to the extent feasible.

The City of Irvine CEQA Manual includes procedures for environmental review, including the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Impact Analysis Guidelines in accordance with Senate Bill 743 (refer to Appendix I of Volume 3). The comprehensive update to the CEQA Manual was approved by the City Council on June 23, 2020.

  1. Volume 1. CEQA Procedures
  2. Volume 2. Technical Guidelines
  3. Volume 3. Technical Appendices - For updated 2021 VMT Analysis requirements (Appendix I), refer to the Traffic Study Guidelines here

For additional information on VMT, please click here.