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Mission Statement

The City of Irvine is dedicated to creating and promoting an awareness of our natural community, while encouraging behaviors that will ensure the preservation of our open space wilderness for generations to come. By engaging members of the community in positive outdoor recreational and educational experiences, we will manage and maintain Irvine’s open space preserve as a welcoming and valued part of our City.

County-owned parks within the City of Irvine include William R. Mason Regional Park and portions of the Irvine Ranch Open Space. For information on county parks, please visit

For information on City of Irvine parks, please visit the Community Parks & Centers page or learn more here about the Irvine Open Space Preserve and wilderness trails.

Thank you for visiting the City of Irvine - Community Services website.

The website is undergoing an enhancement/upgrade and will be completed soon. Please revisit the site periodically or click here to access the former website.

For questions or to provide feedback, please email or call 949-724-6632.

The Child Care Coordination Office compiles this list of recorded webinars, self-paced online training modules and resources for individuals caring for children in order to support all areas of children’s development from birth through elementary age. These events are organized by third-party organizations, unless otherwise noted, and are not managed by the City of Irvine.

Please see the resources and webinars listed below to continue your professional development or parent education journey while practicing social distancing to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The Child Resource Center (CRC) is a member-based lending library for families and early childhood education professionals. The CRC is open Monday through Thursday, from 12 to 7 p.m.

What is the Lending Library?

The CRC Lending Library features tools to support every area of children's development from birth through school age, including:

The Child Care Coordination Office provides a variety of services designed to enhance and maintain the quality of child care in the community. City staff work with individuals, organizations and businesses to help provide quality services for children.
