City of Irvine Environmental Programs will be regularly offering workshops and webinars to support residents in their efforts to get involved in the City's climate resolution goals.
For more questions, call Environmental Programs at 949-724-7365. For a list of general environmental resources, click here.
Upcoming Webinars & Workshops
Solarize Irvine Community Workshops
Meet with experts and community-screened solar installers to learn about the benefits and basics of going solar for your home. Workshops are free and open to all Orange County residents. Learn more and sign up at
Solarize Irvine Community Solar Workshop
Tuesday, September 10, 6–7:30 p.m.
Las Lomas Community Center, 10 Federation Way, Irvine
Meet with experts and community-screened solar installers to learn about the benefits of going solar for your home. Workshops are free and open to all Orange County residents. Learn more and sign up at
Past Webinars & Workshops
Solarize Irvine Community Workshop
Monday, July 22, 6–7:30 p.m.
Northwood Community Center, 4531 Bryan Ave., Irvine
Meet with experts and community-screened solar installers to learn about the benefits of going solar for your home. Workshops are free and open to all Orange County residents.
Thursday, March 14, 6–7:30 p.m
Portola Springs Community Center, 900 Tomato Springs
The City of Irvine, in partnership with the nonprofit OC Goes Solar, offered a workshop for community members to learn about the benefits of going solar at home. Guests met with experts and community-screened solar installers to learn about the benefits and basics of going solar for their home.
Electrification 101 Workshop
Wednesday, January 17, 6–8 p.m.
The City of Irvine partnered with the Switch is On and Southern California Edison (SCE) to provide the community with an Electrification 101 Workshop. Attendees learned about what it means to transition from gas to electric-powered appliances; how to make energy-efficient upgrades that save both energy and money; and what federal, state, and local rebates are available; as well as heard testimonials from local residents who have made the switch. This free event included an expo where attendees connected with local organizations and contractors to learn more.
See a flier for this workshop here.
Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Virtual Workshops
Monday, October 30, 12 p.m., and Thursday, November 30, 5:30 p.m., via Zoom
These CAAP workshops reviewed goals of Irvine's CAAP, shared information on the municipal and community greenhouse gas inventory, and provided a chance for the public to interactively engage with the City and their peers around emissions reductions measures.
Solarize Irvine Community Workshop
Tuesday, October 17, 6 p.m.
Quail Hill Community Center, 39 Shady Canyon Drive
The City of Irvine, in partnership with the nonprofit OC Goes Solar, offered a workshop featuring a Q&A session with local program installers and energy experts to teach community members about rooftop solar, battery storage, and home EV charging.
Solarize Irvine Workshop
Wednesday, July 26, 7-8:30 p.m.
Los Olivos Community Center, 101 Alfonso
The City of Irvine, in partnership with the nonprofit OC Goes Solar, offered a workshop sharing information with community members on how they can go solar at home and learn new ways to support the City's ambitious goal of carbon neutrality
Practical Guide to All-Electric Residential Building
Tuesday, July 11, 8:30 a.m.–noon
Irvine City Hall, CTC
The City of Irvine, in partnership with Southern California Edison, offered a workshop taught by instructors who have built all-electric homes for themselves and are experts in the field. Guests got an insider view of how to design and build electric, with examples from professional work, how to overcome common objections and obstacles, and lessons learned from the field.
Solarize Irvine Virtual Workshop #3
Monday, January 23, 7 p.m., via Zoom
The City of Irvine in partnership with the nonprofit OC Goes Solar offered a virtual workshop on how residents can take part in the Solarize Irvine program. Learn more about the virtual workshop in a flier here.
Solarize Irvine Launch Workshop
Wednesday, June 22, 7 p.m. via Zoom
The City of Irvine has partnered with 501©3 non-profit OC Goes Solar to launch Solarize Irvine. Solarize Irvine is a limited-run group purchasing program that makes solar energy, battery storage, and home electric vehicle (EV) charging more affordable and accessible for Irvine residents. This workshop gave interested residents an opportunity to learn more about the Solarize Irvine program, discover the discounts available, and speak to the contractors involved. To learn more about Solarize Irvine, visit
(Access Code: eq4F16+M)
Electrify Your Home
Thursday, April 21, Noon-1 p.m.
As California and the City of Irvine set ambitious carbon emission reduction goals to combat a rapidly warming climate, electrification has become a key tool to meet these essential targets. Attendees of this “Lunch and Learn” webinar learned more about steps they could take to electrify their homes and the benefits to the environment, their health, and their wallet.