Meet Councilmember Kathleen Treseder, PhD - At-Large

Councilmember Treseder’s research has been featured on NPR and in numerous publications including Discover Magazine, The Orange County Register, and Harper’s Bazaar. She and her husband, Jim, founded the Treseder Randerson Fund, which supports programs for crime victims, refugees, those in pandemic-related distress, Asian-American immigrants, and environmental justice.
Since her election to the Irvine City Council in November 2022, Councilmember Treseder has been at the forefront of driving environmental and sustainability efforts, aiming to position Irvine as a leader in the battle against climate change. Her leadership has been instrumental in spearheading initiatives to prohibit the use of gas-powered lawn equipment, propelling forward Irvine’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, and advocating for reforms in the governance structure of the Orange County Power Authority. She also champions active transportation and other incentives to reduce our dependence on car-based transportation.
In addition to her work on the environment, Councilmember Treseder is a staunch advocate for open government, taking the lead to safeguard community tax dollars at the Great Park and leading the charge for reforms surrounding the city’s lobbyist regulations.