As part of the City of Irvine General Plan Update, the Notice of Availability for the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report and the associated General Plan Elements are now available. The Draft PEIR is open for public review and comment for 45 days beginning March 15, 2024, and concluding at 5 p.m. Monday, April 29, 2024.
The City of Irvine is preparing an update to its General Plan, a state-required document representing its vision for the next 25 years and beyond. The 2045 General Plan Update will include goals, objectives, policies, and implementation actions to help the City reach its long-term vision of preserving and enhancing Irvine's high quality of life as the City matures. The General Plan Update’s success relies on community members, landowners, and other stakeholders shaping the vision and goals for future planning.
The Draft PEIR can be viewed online at irvine2045.org or at one of the following locations:
Irvine City Hall, 1 Civic Center Plaza
Heritage Park Regional Library, 14361 Yale Avenue
Katie Wheeler Library, 13109 Old Myford Road
University Park Library, 4512 Sandburg Way
If you wish to submit comments on the Draft PEIR, please submit your written comments (including a name and contact information) during the comment period via mail or email to the following addresses:
Mail: City of Irvine Community Development Department, Attn: General Plan Update P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, CA 92623-9575
Email: GPupdate@cityofirvine.org.
After the Draft PEIR comment period, public comments unrelated to the Draft PEIR are also welcome until the City Council adopts the General Plan Update. Please email any comments to GPupdate@cityofirvine.org.
Learn more about the 2045 General Plan Update at irvine2045.org.