20 Ton or Less Commercial Roof Top Packaged Mechanical Equipment Change Outs

(Heat Pump Units Only)

The City of Irvine offers an automated permitting process for 20 tons or less roof top packaged mechanical equipment change out (heat pumps units only)

This automated permit is available for projects where the following conditions exist:

  • The mechanical equipment change out is ‘like for like’. Considering all type, capacity, quantity, and location(s);
  • The new mechanical units are less or equal to 20 ton capacity;
  • The new mechanical units are not heavier than the existing units being replace (not to exceed 2000 pounds per unit);
  • Building roof slope, where new mechanical units are to be installed does not exceed 2%; and,
  • The new mechanical equipment does not require vibration isolation curb or adaptor curb.
  • Per Section 3-20-1.B of the zoning ordinance, screening shall be provided so that materials stored in any outdoor storage area and/or equipment at grade or on the roof area screened from adjacent streets, no matter the street grade, and all properties ar the same grade.

By clicking on the continue button to the automated permitting process, you are certifying all the above conditions exist and your project is eligible for this permit.

Be advised, scope of work must be depicted on plans, including a demolition plan and a propose layout. Plans must be prepared by a licensed mechanical contractor responsible for performing the work or by the Mechanical Engineer of Record. Contractor must have plans available for the City inspector at the jobsite.

Be advised, if the inspector finds in your project any discrepancies with the above conditions, your permit will be canceled and your project will need to be re-submitted through the standard submission process. No exceptions.