About Irvine 2045

The City of Irvine is preparing a focused update to its General Plan, a state-required document representing the long-range vision of the City for the next 20 to 25 years. The Update (“the Project”) will contain goals and policies to help the City reach its vision ensuring Irvine’s high quality of life is preserved and enhanced as the City matures.

The Project will focus on updating the land use, circulation and mobility, safety, and noise elements to meet the City’s required housing needs (or RHNA allocation) in our certified 2021-2029 Housing Element. The Project will also introduce a new element --environmental protection and climate action -- that will highlight Irvine’s efforts of the Strategic Energy Plan and on-going Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. Also new with this Update is the theme of “environmental justice,” which will be incorporated throughout the General Plan where applicable.

Current General Plan |2021-2029 Cycle Housing Element | Climate Planning