Photography Open Studio

Photography Open Studio
The Photography Lab is equipped with a group and private darkroom. The group darkroom includes complete black and white tray setup capable of printing up to 16’’x 20’’ paper and enlargers that accommodate 35mm, 120mm, and 4x5 inch negatives.  
The Private darkroom is equipped with an Ilford Multigrade 500s enlarger head and control system on an Omega Type D enlarger chassis. Complete black and white tray setup capable of printing up to 20’’x 24’’ paper. Enlarger accommodates 35mm,120, and 4x5 negatives. 
The lab also features a film processing finishing room with film dryer, print washer, RC print dryer, and dry mount press. 
A UV exposure unit for alternative photo and printmaking processes is also available. Reservation required.

Previous studio experience and closed-toe shoes are required. Participants must be 18 years or older. For more information and to ensure the studio is open, please call the Irvine Fine Arts Center front desk: 949-724-6880.


1.  Complete one full course or refresher course in the studio.
2.  Pass a quiz to demonstrate your level of understanding of studio use.
3.  Complete an Open Studio Agreement.
4.  Register for studio sessions at

Photography Open Studio Hours:
Open studio sessions available by registration.

Irvine Residents & Non-Residents
$15–$19 per session

Please note:
Open Studio sessions are subject to change and are supervised by studio technicians and volunteers.

Register for classes online at

Check out the ArtBeat for additional activities.

Read ArtBeat