Resumes & Cover Letters


A properly formatted and written résumé and cover letter can be a tremendous boost to your job search. View the examples below to see appropriate résumés for high school students and entry-level job seekers. Note that your résumé should be kept to one page.

Key components of your resume include:

  • Contact Information: Directly underneath your name, provide your professional email address, phone number, and city where you reside. It is not necessary or recommended to include your street address.
  • Summary: Your summary statement must catch the reader’s attention and should include your strengths and skills. Make yourself stand out among all other job seekers your age and create a compelling summary statement that includes any unique interests, experiences, or future career goals.
  • Education: Name your high school and include graduation year. Include any significant activities, clubs, sports, and/or performing arts. When listing your extracurricular activities, list the most current activities first. Be sure to list any classes or online courses that add additional skills or certifications to your experience.
  • Employment History and/or Volunteer Experience: List employer company name or charity/organization name. State the dates, job duties, responsibilities, and achievements associated with each job. List your work history separate from your volunteer history. Always list the most current experience first.
  • Optional Sections: If there is space, you may include additional sections such as Skills, Awards, or Achievements. Are you bilingual? Are you CPR and First Aid certified? These skills help make you stand out. If you have experience in html code, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Final Cut Pro, list those programming skills. However, do they have anything to do with the job you are applying for?

Your résumé is a lifelong tool; update it each time you gain skills and/or get a new job. 

Résumé Examples

Résumé Worksheet

Cover Letters

The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to an organization, demonstrate your interest in the company or a specific position, draw attention to your résumé, and motivate the reader to interview you. Often this letter is the first contact you have with an employer, so it is critical to make a great first impression. View guidelines on how to write a successful cover letter here, and additional important tips here. View a sample cover letter below.

Sample Cover Letter